[Q&A]: What is Web Content Syndication?

Jennifer Cole (jenn...12@...org) asks us via BnM's feedburner platform: 


Quoting one of the nicely and simply explained meaning of web content syndication available at ehow(dot)com ... 

"Content syndication is truly a broad area. Many consider syndication simply putting an RSS feed or two on their Web site and nothing more. But content syndication is much more than that.

Anytime your content is reproduced anywhere, it is considered syndicated

For example, writing articles about your Web site and submitting them to article directories is a great form of syndication because, in turn, other web sites will reproduce that content and provide you with another link back to your Web site. One article submitted to many directories can literally end up on thousands of web sites after several months.

Social bookmarking is also another hot option. Promoting your web site in public on their social bookmarking pages is a quiet way of saying that they love your web site. In return, other surfers will see their pages and visit your Web site. Once again, a little syndication can go a long way.

Choosing the right method for your website, by taking a brief look at one's goals and quality/quantity of the content published over the webspace, content syndication can easily be shaped into an easy-to-execute promotion plan."

[Note: Those interested in reading the article in full may surf through the same at http://www.ehow.com/how_2003263_select-syndication-method.html]

In a nutshell:
  • Web content syndication is an internet based application and/or method primarily utilized for the simple purpose of republishing / reproducing / re-blogging / web link offering to third party websites
  • Main purpose is to either provide customized updates/ feeds of a particular website to its registered subscribers, or to offer link-baits on other websites, blogs and social media sites (like Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, Del.ico.us, Yahoo! buzz, Google Reader, and the likes) to gain viral marketing and receiving possible linking back web traffic.
  • Intended purpose of most of the genuine websites and blogs [like us, of course!  :-)  ] is also to provide link/ content information to their respective readers, visitors and subscribers by means of such Web Content Syndication.

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